The Flopcast

We're still in Minnesota for the silliest science fiction convention of all (thanks to the Dementia track of comedy music), MarsCon! Late Sunday night, as things are winding down, a Dementia supergroup gathers to look back on the whole crazy weekend, just for the Flopcast. Joining Kevin and Kornflake are the great Luke Ski (of Luke and Carrie's Bad Rapport), Sara Trice, Power Salad's Chris Mezzolesta, Kobi Lacroix, Break Man Z, and Blasted Bill Putt! Luke even joins Kornflake for a Top 4 1/2 List of their favorite MarsCon moments. And we wrap up with TWO rounds of "What's in the Bag?", featuring scary potato chips and non-scary Pez dispensers.

Direct download: Flopcast_045.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:04pm EST