The Flopcast

The Pod of Destiny's Blasted Bill joins Kevin and Kornflake for another "Flop of Destiny" recording session, live from MarsCon in Bloomington, Minnesota! And we're joined by a crazy lineup of comedy musicians, Dementia Radio DJs, and miscellaneous wandering weirdos, including: Doornail, Wacky Ben, TV's Kyle, Lindsay, Insane Ian, ShoEboX of Worm Quartet, Mikey Mason, Madman Ken, Beth Kinderman, Angela, Wild Card, Bob, Jayekitty, and a woman dressed as a giant drop of blood! We tackle all the pressing issues of the day, such as: Dementia Smackdown Wrestling, Dementia Water Aerobics, Kevin's new all-time favorite convention costume, Kornflake freaking out over meeting Doctor Demento, and how to frighten old ladies at TGI Fridays. Plus: Lindsay provides a super-violent edition of "What's in the Bag"! Hang on, kids -- if you want to hear a dozen people screaming at the same time and having way more fun than you, we've got you covered this week.

Direct download: Flopcast_097.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:41am EST