The Flopcast

We're safely back in Chickentown after a crazy weekend in Atlanta (with 70,000 of our favorite geeks) for DragonCon! Our convention report includes: the stars of Arrow, Flash, Kids in the Hall, and Mystery Science Theater 3000; the music of Rasputina, Paul and Storm, Mike Phirman, Molly Lewis, The Doubleclicks, Carter Parton Rogers, Mikey Mason, and Here Come The Mummies; the Sci-Fi Drive-In Heckle-Along; the Amazing James Randi; lots more ESO Network podcasters; and American Sci-Fi Classics track panels on important topics like Thundarr the Barbarian, Otherworld, Battlefield Earth, and mullets. We also review our favorite costumes, including Yip-Yips, Super Friends, Hall and Oates (!), our friends from Wicked Geeky, and of course, Carl. Also: Make A Hat Day is this week, and it's way more dangerous than you think.

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:11pm EST