The Flopcast

We're back from a long weekend of science and silliness at CONvergence in Bloomington, Minnesota! Our convention report includes: A meteorite from Mars (Robolar would be so proud), special guest birds from the Raptor Center, comedy from Joseph Scrimshaw, music from Beth Kinderman and the Player Characters, Science for the People with Desiree Schell, a sneak preview of Vermin (with lab rat puppets!), the Supergirl and iZombie panels (no mansplaining, but plenty of gummy brains), a live version of "Would I Lie to You?" (Kornflake's favorite game show!), happy little trees, robot chickens, Ladro the Squirrel, and a final round of Buzzed Aldrins in the Skepchick Space Lounge. Also: It's Town Crier Day! You were going to run around screaming anyway, and now you have an excuse.

Direct download: Flopcast_218.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:52am EST