The Flopcast

If you want to spend the holidays hiding from your family and listening to goofy podcasts, we have you covered (for 23 minutes, at least). First we celebrate No Interruption Day, and you can too, whether you're catching up on work or bellying up to the bar. (Let nothing interrupt that egg nog. You deserve it.) Then we secretly replace our regular Pudding Pages segment with a more festive version, the Figgy Pudding Pages, and recall nature shows from back in the 80s. (Come on, who wouldn't want to go on a safari with Boy George?) And we sneak in a little "Chickens in the News" too, as our friend Kitty reminds us that two chicken heads are way better than one. After that, you're on your own. (But if you haven't suffered through the Star Wars Holiday Special in a while, that's always an option. Just one more round with Bea Arthur, friend.)

Direct download: Flopcast_242.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST