The Flopcast

The Mayor of Chickentown returns with a report from the Los Angeles Doctor Who convention known as Gallifrey One, where she found the original K9 robot dog (and yeah, some robot mummies), but did not find the great Luke Ski (or pants). Meanwhile Kevin breaks his vow never to leave the house again, first to butcher a Men at Work song at karaoke, and then to play Tron at a crazy little movie theater hidden deep inside an ancient mill. But when we're done with Tron, Kornflake suggests we play Mario Brothers, because Mario Day is this week! (Time to hang that Mario Lopez poster in your locker again...) Also: Our friends at the Foxes in the Hen House podcast just released their annual romantic fan fiction episode. It's hilarious, and we just might have suggested one of the ridiculous characters involved...

Direct download: Flopcast_252.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:25am EST