The Flopcast

Grab a bowl of Cookie Crisp; you're gonna need it. The plan is to discuss every Saturday morning cartoon from way back in 1980, even if it takes three episodes (one for each network). We're starting with ABC, whose Saturday morning lineup included Super Friends (with evil robot space monkey Gleek), Fonz and the Happy Days Gang (with Cupcake and her flying saucer time machine), Richie Rich and Scooby Doo (and alas, Scrappy too), Thundarr the Barbarian (whose post-apocalyptic world seems all too familiar these days), Heathcliff and Dingbat (it's a vampire dog - deal with it), Plastic Man (and his ridiculous son, Baby Plas), and more. How many cartoon dogs can be voiced by one man on one network? Only Frank Welker knows the truth. Also: We wish a Happy Birthday to our favorite Hot Cop, Will Arnett; Kornflake attempts online trivia; Maryellen has a creepy doll; Brittany and Martha launch their new podcast But First, Let's Talk Nerdy; and Kevin goes to Classic Sci-Fi Court to defend Molly Ringwald in space.


Kevin, Joe, and Gary in Classic Sci-Fi Court

Plaything: A quarantine-themed horror short from our friend Maryellen

Brittany and Martha's new podcast: But First, Let's Talk Nerdy

And our regular Flopcast links...

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Direct download: Flopcast_417.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:12pm EST