The Flopcast

Here comes one final ridiculous MarsCon episode! In two ridiculous parts! First it's Sunday morning, the last day of MarsCon, as Kevin, Kornflake, and Doornail have breakfast with special guest Chris Mezzolesta, of comedy band Power Salad! As Doornail rips open 700 packets of sugar (for one cup of coffee), Chris shares the story of how he first met Doctor Demento, "Weird Al" Yankovic, and Benny Bell, all in one crazy night over thirty years ago. Next we jump to our post-MarsCon Monday morning breakfast, and review the whole silly weekend with another special guest, the great Luke Ski! Also listen for some quick but weird visits from ShoEboX of Worm Quartet, Angela, Jayekitty, and Ruth the Awesome Bringer of Surprise Pancakes. Next week, we'll be back in Chickentown, and yikes, it'll be time for our 100th episode! We should probably make coffee or something, to celebrate.

Direct download: Flopcast_099.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST