The Flopcast

With our neighboring red planet in the news lately (we can't wait to try that delicious new Martian water), Kevin and Kornflake are counting down their Top 4 1/2 favorite Martians (and miscellaneous Mars-type stuff). We cover Martian cartoon characters, music, movies, candy bars, and lots more. (You know, Matt Damon isn't the first Martian from Boston. It's time for you to meet Robolar.) Also: This week's 1981 edition of National Whatever Day includes Gary Coleman movies, a royal wedding, and yet another Weird Tale of Woonsocket, Rhode Island. And speaking of the Ocean State, we also preview the upcoming Rhode Island Comic Con, where you'll find Tiki Zombies, Wicked Geeky cookies, and HENRY WINKLER! (Yikes, the Fonz in Rhode Island... this can only end with a Marvin the Martian-approved Earth-shattering kaboom.)

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:24am EDT