The Flopcast

Your Flopcast hosts have not been spotted together at many conventions in 2016, but it happened at Northeast Comic Con! (Just barely -- Kornflake was feeling under the weather, but still managed to arrive fashionably late. 'Twas a holiday miracle.) Wandering around the convention, we ran into a bunch of friends (including Tiki Zombie's Mike Gordon, TV Guidance Counselor's Ken Reid, and the Rubber Chicken Comics guys), a bunch of great costumes (including a "Stranger Things" costume that was just brilliant), and a bunch of people in Devo energy domes, because yikes, two members of Devo were there! (We love Devo... and as you may have noticed recently, they were right about "De-Evolution" after all. So show some respect, you spuds.) We also stayed for the Saturday night concert, with performers including Tsunami of Sound (with special guest Billy West!), The Lights Out (Kornflake's new favorite rock band), and The Fantastic Plastics (a Devo-inspired sci-fi pop duo with a theremin... so yeah, we sort of fell in love with them). We also have some recent podcasts to plug, from our friends at Earth Station One, Pop Culture Cosmos, and Grant's Advent Calendar. And thanks to National Whatever Day, we're thinking about "9 to 5." (Not the song, not the movie, but the sitcom. We try to make everything about 80s sitcoms. Hey, remember when Devo appeared on "Square Pegs"? We sure do.)

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:43am EDT