The Flopcast

Pathetically, Kevin and Kornflake enter a state of panic when a power outage leaves Chickentown Studios in total darkness, right in the middle of the show! No lights, no air conditioning (we were already panicking about the heat wave), and, most horrifyingly... no more iced coffee. We're doomed! Also: Kornflake visits a mysterious lobster-themed town called Otis, the Chicken Limo cruises the mean streets of Indianapolis, and the Pudding Pages go to the dogs. Reminder: No power in Chickentown. To hear next week's show, be sure to pick up some cups and a very long string. 

Direct download: Flopcast_064.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:10pm EST

In the summertime, when the weather is high, we've got robots, we've got robots on our minds. Yes, it's our second annual robot-themed Top 4 1/2 List! This time we're counting down our favorite live action robots from movies and TV. MST3K robot puppets, Star Wars droids, Star Trek androids, scary Fembots, perhaps even a Pimpbot... and we haven't even mentioned the really weird ones. Show a little enthusiasm for our list, and maybe the robots will take pity on you after they take over. Also: Kornflake and Doornail celebrate the 4th of July in the remote wilds of New Hampshire, and make a boozy new friend.

Direct download: Flopcast_063.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:49pm EST

We're back with a full report from CONvergence, the Bloomington, Minnesota convention that's even crazier than MarsCon! Pour youself a Buzzed Aldrin (the signature drink of the Skepchick party room) and enjoy, as Kevin, the Mayor of Chickentown, the great Luke Ski, and Sara Trice review all the silliness of CONvergence, just for you. (Unfortunately, aside from our Saturday Morning Cartoon and Doctor Who-themed panels, an epic Luke Ski concert, a live comet-making demonstration, a mechanical steampunk bird, the Rifftrax guys playing "PowerPoint Karaoke," a Darkwing Duck burlesque dance, an Aquabat/Penguin hybrid, and a Skepchick giving birth to a squid monster, there's not much of interest to report.) Also: Back in Chickentown, we receive a box of dangerous science from the College of Curiosity, and Kornflake totally puts the "whatever" into this week's National Whatever Day.

Direct download: Flopcast_062.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:55am EST

We've said this before, but yikes, this is a bizarre episode, even by Flopcast standards. Let's see... in this week's Pudding Pages segment, Kevin and Kornflake learn all about weird 1970s lipstick. Really. Then our Chickens in the News segment takes us to the thriving metropolis of Chicken, Alaska (and if you like bluegrass festivals, chicken suits, and being in the middle of nowhere, this is your kind of town). Finally Kornflake brings us a rather silly interview from LukeSkiCon with comedy musician Insane Ian! Will Kornflake and Ian get thrown out of an arcade in the middle of the interview? Let's hope so; that'd be funny.

Direct download: Flopcast_061.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST