The Flopcast

We know you've all been wondering what we would do for our big milestone episode 251 celebration... and the answer is... not much! But this is still a fun little show with several classic Flopcast segments: National Whatever Day (which involves flowers and strippers, as all days should), What's in the Bag (it's something festive and delicious and 251-themed), and Chickens in the News (lock up your giant concrete hens; those chicken statue thieves have struck again). We also flip through a big stack of 251 comic books (trust us, it's a weird collection), and run through a list of sitcoms with at least 251 episodes. (The Simpsons is way out in front with over 600 episodes, while another old favorite, The Jeffersons, just barely makes the cut. But when it comes to wacky neighbors, we'll still take Mr. Bentley over Flanders.) So thanks for joining us, stick around for our next 251 episodes, and we'll see you at the big 502 celebration...

Direct download: Flopcast_251.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Kevin returns to his old stomping grounds of Woonsocket, Rhode Island for a frighteningly close encounter with 1980s pop icon (and our personal hair hero) Richard Marx. (Yes, he was right there waiting, and yes, we should've known better... yikes, these Richard Marx references are becoming something of a hazard... 'twas a great concert nevertheless.) Not knowing when to quit, Kevin then makes a second visit to Rhode Island, this time to see The Mads (that is, Mystery Science Theater 3000's Frank and Trace, who brought along a goofy old movie, believe it or not). And along the way, we just might run into a member of our favorite synthpop band, and discover the Golden Chicken award. Meanwhile, Kornflake has her latest podcast recommendation (featuring science, and grit, and barking people), and teaches us about Single Tasking Day. (Single tasking is way more effective than multi-tasking -- especially if, like us, you lack the wisdom of a wombat.)

Direct download: Flopcast_250.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:36pm EST

In honor of Champion Crab Races Day, we recall weird pet hermit crabs, weird comic book ads for Crazy Crabs, and weird late night calls for crab rangoon. And to keep a weird animal theme running through the whole show, we also have a lobster-inspired round of "What's in the Bag," and Kornflake reports on her visit to Zoo Creatures in Plaistow, New Hampshire. Stop by and make friends with the goats, eels, snakes, skinks, a turkey, and yes, a kookaburra. (A little touch of Australia in the Granite State; Air Supply would be so proud.)

Direct download: Flopcast_249.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:42am EST

It's time to review our long crazy day at the Boston Women's March! (The ride into the city was crazy enough; all 175,000 marchers squished into the same subway car, or so it seemed...) Lots more friends of the Flopcast were out that day too, both in Boston and throughout the world... but the only familiar face we found in the crowd was Keytar Bear. (A bear playing a keytar does tend to stand out...) And in an effort to be completely exhausted, we also attended the ACLU benefit after-party, with awesome performances by Stars Like Ours, Carissa Johnson, and Petty Morals. (Did the whole night end with an appropriate George Michael cover? But of course.) Plus: Listener feedback from last week's Top 4 1/2 List of doctors! (Yikes, we missed some big ones.) And Kornflake reminds us to celebrate Plimsoll Line Day, because these may not be good times, but you still have to keep your head above water. (See, no matter how bad things get, we'll just keep making sitcom references...)

Direct download: Flopcast_248.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:18am EST