The Flopcast

It's a surprise Flopcast recording live from the middle of Super Megafest! (Kornflake wasn't even supposed to be there, so we were all just shocked and delighted.) We discuss our whole silly day at the convention, wandering around eyeballing the celebrity guests, including Spider-Man's Nicholas Hammond, 3rd Rock's French Stewart, MASH's Loretta Swit, The Munsters' Butch Patrick, wrestlers Tony Atlas and Ted DiBiase, practically everybody from The Warriors, all three Dukes of Hazzard cousins (Bo, Luke, AND Daisy)... and Kornflake's 80s sitcom hero, Tony Danza. (After Kornflake's historic meeting with Tony, we may have figured out who the boss really was.) Plus: Rubber Chicken Comics, Muppets, Legos, bootleg DVDs, a photo op with HR Pufnstuf and Sigmund the Sea Monster, and a surprise cameo by one of our favorite local costumers. You should have been there. It was just ridiculous.

Direct download: Flopcast_394.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:53pm EST

We're a few weeks late, thanks to all those weird train-themed shows, but it's finally time for our annual review of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nominees! The short version: We're happy to see Pat Benatar and Whitney Houston on the list, but in our hearts, we just want everybody to Wang Chung tonight. Come on, Hall of Fame. WANG CHUNG. Also: Kornflake hits the road with attack chickens and attack lobsters, Kevin almost survives SoulCycle, and Happy Birthday to Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member Tina Turner. We don't need another hero. We have Tina.

Direct download: Flopcast_393.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:39am EST

Okay, let's take a break from all that controversial train talk! It's finally time to catch up on some non-train stuff, including: Kornflake's Halloween (featuring a Yip-Yip costume, a giant boot, a Stan Lee pumpkin, and a jug band), Kevin's Halloween (featuring a classy chicken costume, weird movies in Vermont, Swamp Thing artist Stephen Bissette, and a turkey), Calista Flockhart's birthday (one of us knows Calista from Ally McBeal, and one of us knows her from Supergirl -- you figure it out), and the long-awaited return of Chickens in the News! A giant chicken-shaped structure is being built in the middle of Georgia. And yeah, that probably means... FLOPCAST ROAD TRIP. Get in the van.

Direct download: Flopcast_392.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:10pm EST

This week we're joined again by Ed, longtime friend of The Flopcast, Sponge Awareness Foundation keyboardist, and train expert from the Wiscasset, Waterville and Farmington Railway Museum! So yeah, that means more nerdy train talk! Learn the shocking truth behind the trains in pop culture classics like Stand By Me, Polar Express, Dumbo, School House Rock, and lots more. Does anyone know what happened to the train from Silver Spoons? (The shocking answer: No.) Can you ride a Boston train today that Next Karate Kid star Hilary Swank climbed on top of 25 years ago? (The shocking answer: Yes.) And which classic rock stars are also huge train geeks? (The shocking answer: Just about all of them, apparently.) All this plus plenty of immature giggling about "hump yards"! (It's a train thing.) So, you know, all aboard. You don't have to slip into a fancy train conductor uniform like Ed did... but it would be nice.

Direct download: Flopcast_391.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST