The Flopcast

It's one of our dumbest ideas ever: This is episode 495, so we're discussing Interstate 495, the Massachusetts highway we've spent our whole lives driving up and down like idiots. 495 starts near Rhode Island (look out!) and ends near New Hampshire (oh no!). In between are lots of weird Massachusetts towns, which bring back lots of weird Massachusetts memories. So today's silly road trip includes: fake Pilgrims, the Thermometer Man, nerds at a football stadium, the early days of The Sponge Awareness Foundation, Kevin's 1990s open mic night (hope you like Jewel covers), Rubber Chicken Comics, midnight Snapple, the quest for clam cakes, apple orchards with free booze, the upcoming Northeast Comic Con (yikes, A.L. from Meatballs will be there), Kornflake's school days, mysterious pineapple glop on the beach, and zorbing. Also: Happy Birthday to The Karate Kid himself, Ralph Macchio. If he doesn't actually start to age sometime soon, we're gonna have to sweep the other leg.

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Our music is by The Sponge Awareness Foundation!

This week's promos:
The Best Saturdays of Our Lives!
Earth Station DCU!
Doctor Geek's vaccination PSA!

Direct download: Flopcast_495.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:09am EST

It's Halloween, but why not ignore the creepy neighbor kids and just enjoy our silly little show? (That sack of Reese's Peanut Butter Pumpkins you've been eyeballing all week? ALL YOURS.) Including: A festive round of "What's in the Bag," compliments of our friend Blasted Bill; Halloween Chickens in the News with Elvira, Mistress of the Dark; more Halloween Chickens in the News involving the secret history of candy corn; and Happy Birthday to the star of many seasonally appropriate movies, Winona Ryder. She was absolutely terrifying in Mermaids.

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Our music is by The Sponge Awareness Foundation!

This week's promos:
Double Edged Double Bill!
Doctor Geek's vaccination PSA!

Direct download: Flopcast_494.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:31am EST

We just can't stop reviewing "backdoor pilot" episodes of The Facts of Life, so here we go again. This time Blair and Jo are graduating from Eastland, and perhaps this could have led to a spinoff series set at nearby Langley College. It didn't, of course, but it's still a fun two-part episode. We meet several new girls: Alexandra could have been a new Blair-type character at Eastland, while the graduating Emily, Bonnie, and Lisa could have joined a new cast at Langley. (For Lisa, life is a series of shoe problems. She could have become the most psychologically troubled sitcom character since Jan Brady.) We also have Mrs. Garrett juggling dozens of Jello molds and hundreds of pineapples, Roy the creepy bread delivery boy, a bizarre flashback sequence, Tootie seemingly in charge of the whole graduation ceremony, and the trouble with tassels. Also: We wish a Happy Birthday to Mork & Mindy's Pam Dawber, Kevin is on Gleaming the Tube and Earth Station One, and Kornflake is hiding under a giant pile of blankets.

Kevin, Kevin, and Mike talking Wonder Woman on Gleaming the Tube!

Kevin, Mike, and Mike talking Monkees on Earth Station One!

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Our music is by The Sponge Awareness Foundation!

This week's promos:
Ring of Thunder!
Doctor Geek's vaccination PSA!

Direct download: Flopcast_493.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:16pm EST

Just a silly mix of subjects this week, including: The new Monster Mash cereal (we might not eat it, but we still love it), Kornflake's concert report on Lindsey Stirling (she plays the violin while hanging upside down blindfolded; what more do you want?), Daryl Hall's birthday, Clint Eastwood's chicken movie, a correction from last week (sorry, Woonsocket), and the plan for next week. (Hint: Blair and Tootie are involved.)

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Our music is by The Sponge Awareness Foundation!

This week's promos:
Earth Station One!
Doctor Geek's vaccination PSA!

Direct download: Flopcast_492.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:40pm EST

Our friend Kevin Cafferty is back for a Top 4 1/2 List dedicated to our favorite weird city: Woonsocket, Rhode Island! Both Kevin and Kevin (lot of Kevins on the show this week) spent way too much time in Woonsocket back in the 80s, and remember it all too well. Our conversation includes: Fine Woonsocket dining (weiners and coffee milk, fish and chips, egg rolls and jazz), movies at the Stadium Theatre and Cinemas 1-2-3 (and 4), thrift shopping at the flea market and Joe's Moldy Oldies, Pac-Man at Pizza Hut, Donkey Kong Junior at Social Donut, crazy Rhode Island cable TV shows, the majesty of Autumnfest, and lots more northern Rhode Island weirdness. (When you've had enough, you can slip right over the border to Massachusetts. It's pretty weird there too.)

Check out Kevin Cafferty's podcasts:
Gleaming the Tube!
Let's Get Chatty About David and Maddie!

And our regular links...

The Flopcast website!

The ESO Network!

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Our music is by The Sponge Awareness Foundation!

This week's promos:
Thunder Talk!
Doctor Geek's vaccination PSA!

Direct download: Flopcast_491.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:01am EST