The Flopcast

In honor of Name Your Car Day, Kornflake reveals her car's name, which was totally inspired by Kenny Rogers; everyone freaks out over the recent Facts of Life cast reunion and upcoming DVD set (Edna's Edibles, here we come); Kevin drops by the Funny Music Podcast to discuss "Orko, Slimer, Wicket, and Snarf" (Luke Ski's new tribute to your favorite 80s cartoon characters); and this week's "Chickens in the News" segment is so adorable, it could have been a Love Boat episode. (If only the Love Boat were a rock in New Hampshire, and Captain Stubing were a chicken...)

Direct download: Flopcast_125.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:43am EST

As we enter the fall, Kevin asks Kornflake about her various silly late summer activities. This was probably a huge mistake. The discussion includes: VHS tapes of punctuation-based humor, good books and bad dates, bringing lobsters to the car wash (for science!), thinking about Mr. T (it's what we do), and another Hula Hoop update (introducing the terrifying concept of "crust-hooping"). Meanwhile, Kevin's late summer schedule was no less ridiculous, which is why this week's concert reports feature Air Supply, 38 Special, and Night Ranger. (Sorry -- we keep forgetting this isn't 1983.)

Direct download: Flopcast_124.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:53am EST

Kevin and the Mayor are back in Chickentown with a full report on the craziest convention of the year: DragonCon! Featuring: Land of the Lost's Will, Holly, Chaka, and a Sleestak; Nestor the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey; the Karate Kid and Ponyboy Curtis; Match Game in the 25th Century; Mystery Science Theater 3000's Joel, Trace, Frank, and a photobombing Tom Servo; concerts by Molly Lewis, Mikey Mason, and Anaria; way more chicken-themed costumes than you'd expect; and yes, a Weird Al Dalek. 'Twas a long, strange weekend -- hopefully we'll readjust to reality (and catch up on our sleep) just in time for DragonCon 2015. Meanwhile, Kornflake prepares for National Play-Doh Day, which suddenly seems quite reasonable and mature.

Direct download: Flopcast_123.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:17pm EST

We're still in DragonCon recovery mode this week, so instead of a "normal" show, here's something special we've been saving for you. Last summer at CONvergence in Bloomington, Minnesota, Kevin was on a panel about one of our favorite subjects: Saturday morning cartoons! Yikes, what fun -- it's a roomful of crazy people screaming about all their favorite shows, including Super Friends, Adventure Time, Thundarr, Mighty Mouse, Kidd Video, Land of the Lost, Underdog, and a few that we'd never even heard of. (Apparently we really need to check out The Mysterious Cities of Gold...) You'll also hear a couple of Flopcast friends who happened to be in the front row. But that's not all! Kornflake also has this week's National Whatever Day, as well as her latest brush with the law (and without a shirt) story. Oh sure, NOW we have your attention...

Direct download: Flopcast_122.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:03am EST