The Flopcast

In this week's Flopcast (it's a short show, because we're sleepy): National Whatever Day has us celebrating lumpy things; a new Pudding Pages book leads to a discussion of perhaps the most horrifying trend of the mid-80s; our "Chickens in the News" segment somehow combines three of our favorite items (chickens, hula hoops, and comic books); and we plug some upcoming silly shows and events. (Hey, speaking of comic books -- May 3rd is Free Comic Book Day. You know what to do.)

Direct download: Flopcast_103.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:20am EST

Kevin has some very important Facts of Life and Robbie Rist updates; Kornflake goes kayaking and meets a scary angry goose; for National Whatever Day, we're looking for weird science fiction stories on the stupid Internet; and inspired by the new Captain America movie, we present a Top 4 1/2 List of our favorite captains! Yikes, there are so many fine captains out there -- on the Enterprise, the Pacific Princess, and (because it's a Flopcast list) a bunch of 70s and 80s Saturday morning shows. Actually there might be too many captains out there, since we don't even get around to mentioning Captain Lou Albano, or Kaptain Kool, or Captain Carrot! And those are three of our favorite humans and/or super-powered rabbits from a parallel universe.

Direct download: Flopcast_102.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:35am EST

This week's National Whatever Day reminds Kevin of yet another story from junior high school (and this might be the dumbest one yet); Kornflake makes a startling discovery about the Facts of Life cast (which is the only kind of discovery that interests us); our latest concert reports feature Eddie From Ohio, Diane Birch, and a crazy coincidence; they said it couldn't be done, but we come up with several reasons to visit Hudson, Wisconsin; and our "Chickens in the News" segment stars a giant angry chicken-themed dinosaur from sixty-six million years ago. By the way, now we desperately want a giant angry chicken-themed dinosaur, to set loose here in Chickentown. We're pretty sure that would solve (or at least distract us from) all our problems.

Direct download: Flopcast_101.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:53am EST

Kevin and Kornflake can't quite figure out how to celebrate the 100th episode of The Flopcast! (Yeah, perhaps we could have worked on this in advance... but those Super Friends DVDs weren't going to watch themselves, you know.) But worry not; we manage to have a festive time anyway. First the Mayor of Chickentown stops by for a special 100th episode "What's in the Bag" presentation! Then we look at some nice boring Flopcast statistics! (Which country has the most Flopcast downloads? Hint: It's not Mongolia.) Still desperate for ideas, we examine the 100th issues of some comic book series, and the 100th episodes of some goofy old TV shows. (Weird trivia: What did the 100th episodes of The Brady Bunch and Alice have in common? And don't just say they were both awesome; that's too obvious.) Also: National Whatever Day! And a special 100th episode edition of The Pudding Pages, as suggested by our pal WildCard! (We sort of forgot to credit WildCard during the show...) Hey, maybe this was a super-special 100th episode after all. Remember, kids -- don't ever do any advance planning. Just go watch a cartoon or something.

Direct download: Flopcast_100.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:15am EST