The Flopcast

Longtime friends of the Flopcast Brittany and Martha are back this week, as we officially announce that their podcast But First, Let's Talk Nerdy is now part of the ESO Network! We catch up on life in Las Vegas during the pandemic (Kevin escaped just in time), some of their recent nerdy show topics (like Sailor Moon, Cowboy Bebop, Riverdale, and James Bond), and the art of podcasting while tipsy (they need a sponsorship deal with White Claw). Be sure to check out But First, Let's Talk Nerdy, and welcome Brittany and Martha to our weird little ESO family! Also: We recommend online shows from Speak Up and Niki Luparelli, we still love Atari 2600 Asteroids, we remember comic book writer Denny O'Neil, and we're seriously considering watching Caddyshack II. Please, somebody stop us.

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Our music is by The Sponge Awareness Foundation!

But First, Let's Talk Nerdy

Good Enough Cosplay

Speak Up Storytelling

Niki Luparelli

This week's promo: But First, Let's Talk Nerdy!


Direct download: Flopcast_425.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:45am EST

Last week Kevin listed his ten favorite albums from the 1980s, year by ridiculous year. So this week it's Kornflake's turn, with an album list from the 1990s! (You may not remember the 90s very well. You were so goofed up on Crystal Pepsi back then.) It's a fun mix of alt-rock, pop, boy bands, and maybe even a little rap and hair metal. (But alas, no Spacehog...) Also: Happy Birthday to a classic TV mom (from Lassie AND Lost in Space), Kornflake is drinking something that isn't coffee, Kevin keeps running into Herbie the Love Bug, and Rhode Island wants outdoor strip clubs. Kids, the world isn't getting less weird anytime soon.

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Our music is by The Sponge Awareness Foundation!

This week's promo: Earth Station One!

Direct download: Flopcast_424.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:46am EST

By request, Kevin lists a favorite album for each year of the 1980s, and Kornflake provides expert (?) commentary along the way. (Several Australian acts made the list. Not just Air Supply.) Also: We're dancing on the ceiling with clay heads in honor of Lionel Richie's birthday, Kevin finally leaves the house (wearing a chicken mask) for the reopening of Rubber Chicken Comics, we're back in Classic Sci-Fi Court, and Kornflake has weird coffee and a lobster avalanche. It was not a normal week. We don't have those anymore.

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Our music is by The Sponge Awareness Foundation!

This week's promo: Earth Station DCU!

Direct download: Flopcast_423.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:57pm EST

This is a short one, kids, because this seemed like a week for the Flopcast to mostly shut up. The plan is to get back to our usual silliness next time. Meanwhile, pay attention. Be careful. Get to work.

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Geeks Without God Episode 413 - In Memory of George Floyd

Dropkick Murphys at Fenway Park

Built To Go! A Vanlife Podcast

Earth Station One: Random Tales of Hope

Direct download: Flopcast_422.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST